
Destination Leaders Breakfast Networking

8:00 am

Join the DTTT, Google and Destination Peers from around the world for a morning gathering.

Welcome to FDB

DTTT and Google
8:30 am

DTTT, Google, Skyscanner and YouGov are thrilled to welcome you to FDB 2023!

Capture Attention Through Video Creative

8:45 am

Hear from Google Creative arm on best practice for attention grabbing creatives within Travel.

Storytelling With Purpose

Destination Canada
9:15 am

Destination Canada will talk about their partnership with TED and how they achieved success.

How to Effectively Promote Hidden Gems

Marketing Greece
9:45 am

Marketing Greece will talk about highlighting natural beauty and timeless cultural heritage.

Cost of Living, Travel and the Future of Consumer Behaviour

10:15 am

YouGov will explore how consumer behaviour is changing in the face of the cost of living crisis.

How to Run a Successful Co-Op Model

Google and Skyscanner
10:45 am

Google and Skyscanner share tips for implementing successful co-op campaigns

Global Trends, Insights & Opportunities

11:05 am

Skyscanner shares the latest global travel trends from forward-looking traveller search data.


11:20 am

The Omni-Channel Content Strategy of Fáilte Ireland

Fáilte Ireland
12:15 pm

Fáilte Ireland will share their omni-channel content strategy and how it helps achieve their goals.

Marketing on a Budget: Tips for Organic Social Media Growth

Cape Town Tourism
12:45 pm

Cape Town will share their approach to social media and generating organic growth in subscribers.

State of Destination Marketing 2024

Digital Tourism Think Tank
1:15 pm

The destination marketing landscape is constantly evolving, DMOs need to stay ahead of the curve.

Coffee Break

1:45 pm

The Transformation of

Visit Norway
2:15 pm

Visit Norway will outline their new digital marketing strategy – from marketing to publishing.

Driving Innovation in Austria

Austrian National Tourist Office
2:45 pm

This session will go into how Austria is building an innovation ecosystem to empower businesses.

Using Generative AI for Impactful Marketing

Vienna Tourist Board
3:15 pm

Discover how to use AI in a fun and playful manner to create intrigue and engagement with visitors.

Maximising the Potential of Generative AI Closing Panel

DTTT, Autoura and Trip Boutique
3:45 pm

Hear from innovative startups about how technology is shaping the future of tourism.