
Our templates are industry recognised for their interactive approach. We use digital tools to facilitate collaboration in-person or online. This content is available exclusively to DTTT Members.

Design Thinking

This series provides you will a comprehensive package of design thinking methods for the Tourism & Travel, from primary toolkits to templates on the most advanced digital innovations in the industry.

Using Design Thinking Within Your DMO

The main goal of this activity is to help you gather a collective view on sustainability amongst your organisation, industry and peers.

Users & Needs Mapping

In this activity, we will focus on the first stage of Design Thinking, empathise.

Developing a Food Theme Strategy

According to the 2016 Food Travel Monitor (WFTA, 2018), 93% of travellers can now be considered “Food Travellers”.

Full Funnel Trends Canvas

Staying up to date with latest destination website trends is hard, especially as things change fast.

Concept R&D

We're taking R&D out of the research department and making it something that concerns everyone.

Introducing the DXO Model

Due to the nature of destinations, their role has always been heavily discussed no matter if we are looking at national, regional or city to

Rapid Ideation 1: Exploring Emerging Technologies

During this workshop, we explore how different technologies can help destinations transform passive experiences into interactive ones.

Rapid Ideation 2: Experience Transformation

Let’s discuss what it means to make destinations and experiences interactive.

Rapid Ideation 3: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has become a trendy topic considering the increased interest in automation and machine learning.

Prototyping: Visitor Experience Development

How can we work to make tourism an activity which contributes to the net benefit of everybody involved?

Prototyping: Becoming a Smart Destination

What are the keys to becoming a smart destination?

Prototyping: Hyper Immersive Digital Brand Development

How can we leverage immersive technology to transform brand experiences and bring the top-of-funnel brand discovery phase to unparalleled le

Prototyping: Destination Experiences in Meta

What opportunities does the Metaverse present and how can we envisage destination experiences if we look deeper at the possibilities?

Asana & MURAL Toolkit for Destinations

The key to success in digital is often closely aligned with destinations' effective and strategically focused approach to tackle projects.

Define Your Stakeholders’ Needs and Problems

The objective is to start making sense of the landscape solutions you’re exploring to clearly formulate the challenge you want to solve.

Design Thinking Templates

We believe Design Thinking will be key in developing your new DMO's Sustainable Journey.

Ideating to Solve the Challenge

It’s time to start developing potential solutions!

Overtourism Challenge Pack

At WTM 2018, the DTTT Team led a Destination Challenge.

Prototyping Your Sustainability Roadmap

By completing the following activity, you and your team will be able to define what you'd like your users to be able to do.

DTTT Design Pack

"Everybody can be a designer!‍" This is the principle you need to remind yourself when you feel you are lacking creativity.‍

The Twin Transition: Building Your Tourism Transformation Plan

This guide summarises a workshop template designed to help tourism businesses become more sustainable and digitally advanced.

Sustainability Leadership

In this series you can find all the templates for activities introduced in the Sustainability Leadership Programme for destinations to help their employees become sustainability leaders within the organisation.

1.1 Case Study Map

The objective of this activity is to help you and your team gather ideas.

1.2 Explore Motivations and the Need for Leadership on Sustainability

We want to provide you with all the necessary tools and knowledge to guide a workshop with stakeholders.

1.3 Gather a Collective View on Sustainability Amongst Your Team, Industry and Peers

Through this activity, you'll be able to deliver a workshop with your team and peers, but also involve some of your industry's stakeholders.

1.4 Recruit Your Diverse Empowered Team For The Sustainability Leadership Journey

Incorporate varied perspectives from the destination in regards to sustainability.

1.5 Frame Your Destination's Sustainability Journey

Gather your Diverse Empowered Team and lead a workshop to generate a conversation around your destination's development.

2.1 Case Study Map

The objective of this activity is to help you and your team gather ideas.

2.2 Mapping Needs, Journeys, Stakeholders

Through this activity, we want to help you map out everyone who might be involved in the process of leading sustainability.

2.3 Designing a Circular Visitor Economy

Develop regenerative tourism, which provides a holistic way of thinking for all stakeholders build reciprocal and beneficial relationships.

3.1 Case Study Map

The objective of this activity is to help you and your team gather ideas on Leveraging Data & Measuring the Impact.

3.2 Mapping Out Our Data Needs

This activity will allow you to focus on the types of data that exist within your destination.

3.3 Designing Our Data Journey

Through this inspirational activity, we want to help you establish a vision for the destination's story towards sustainable development.

4.1 Case Study Map

The objective of this activity is to help you and your team gather ideas on Sustainability and Effective Communication.

4.2 Communication Techniques as an Effective Solution

This exercise will help you realise the power of effective communication!

4.3 Making Powerful Presentations

Sometimes communication can be more powerful than we realise!

5.1 Case Study Map

The objective of this activity is to help you and your team gather ideas on Co-designing Strategies for a Sustainable Future.

5.2 Conducting a Retrospective

This activity will allow you to take stock of everything you have learnt through the Sustainability Leadership Programme.

5.3 Exploring Our Sustainability Strategy

The objective of this activity is to help you set your destination's sustainability strategy out considering everything we have explored.

Business Resources

In this Series, you can find all the information needed for the Tourism & Travel industry to understand challenges, become increasingly resilient and plan for recovery.

1 Business Recovery Planning

For most businesses, recovery planning is the priority.

1.1 Understanding Your Turnover Gap

A massive change in people’s behaviour!

1.2 Future Business Scenario Mapping

Scenario mapping is an invaluable tool if you’re trying to determine what the future might look like for your business.

1.3 Rebuilding Revenue and Reducing Cost

Think big and outside the box!

1.4 New Business Model for the 'New Normal'

The new normality we find ourselves in has heavily impacted the way we work and interact with our customers.

1.5 Structural & Resource Planning

Improving Business Efficiency.

2 Restoring Consumer Confidence

In this track, we'll guide you through the most relevant actions you can take to restore the confidence of your customers.

2.1 Communicating Purpose

Acceleration of past behaviours.

2.2 Co-designing Your Recovery with Consumers

When it comes to recovery, involving consumers and embedding their feedback can be key to success.

2.3 Using Empathy to Strengthen Communication

Empathy Mapping the Customer Experience.

2.4 Storytelling the Local and Sustainable Business

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us aware of the fragility of the global tourism ecosystem, exposing the problems related to sustainability.

2.5 Building Trust Through Transparency

Transparency means first of all showing the direct and indirect impact of your actions on both society and the environment.

3 Digitally Driven Growth & Recovery

Now more than ever the industry is going digital.

3.1 Accelerating growth by scaling digitally

Scaling your business can be daunting due to the amount of tools and resources that can be adopted. In reality, it's simpler than you think.

3.2 Establishing Data-driven Recovery Pathway

Any kind of digital tool you may use in your business will generate considerable amounts of customer and user data for growth and recovery.

3.3 Articulating an AI Strategy to Support Your Recovery

AI isn't about over complex technologies and strategies.

3.4 Co-Design Principles

Service Design and Co-design can help you develop extremely relevant digital experiences.

3.5 Applying Deep Learning to the Customer Experience

Take any interaction with your customers as an occasion to learn.

3.6 Maximising Technology for Hybrid Experiences

Use innovative contactless technology to develop more efficient, engaging and optimised hybrid experiences.

Applying Business Innovation with Design Thinking

In order to stay competitive in the future businesses need to be equipped with the tools and the skills that allow them to readily adapt.

Business Plan For Good: 1. Assesment Phase

The Business Plan for Good is aimed for medium, small and micro enterprises who are looking at how to reinvent themselves.

Business Plan For Good: 2. Collaborative Research Phase

The second phase of the Business Plan For Good is all about understanding stakeholders through 'collaborative research'.

Challenge Hunter

This template is aimed at phrasing clear and well-defined challenges for businesses to ideate on... and it is fun!

Empathy Mapping the Customer Experience

After conducting market research, it's time to empathise with consumers and embrace their feedback.

From Brand to Glass-Box Brand

Think of your brand as a glass box, transparent, that really conveys a message.

Hills Template

If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there.

Managing Stakeholder Expectations

Use this template to define who should be involved in your project and in what way.

Rose, Thorn, Bud & Affinity Cluster

Rose, Thorn, Bud and Affinity Cluster are classic and versatile design thinking exercises that enable teams to gather and discuss projects.

Super-quick Brainstorming Workshop

The outcome of this workshop is to get a curated list of solutions and ideas that help overcome a challenge.

Template Essentials: Persona Profile

Let's be honest, you cannot do without this template!

Industry Support

This series provides you with a comprehensive guide on employing Design Thinking methods to identify challenges in the industry, define a robust strategy, adapting products and experiences as well introducing new ones.

1 Pillars of Design Thinking

A one-week introduction to Design Thinking, with the five key stages of design principles explained.

1.1 Frame the Challenge

Working to understand and correctly 'frame' the challenges faced by the destination and industry.

1.2 Applying Empathy in Strategy

In order to be as accurate as possible, we have to address our assumptions by learning, observing, and practising design research.

1.3 Defining Scenarios and Outcomes

The Principles of Design Thinking guide your day-to-day work.

1.4 Ideating Solutions Collectively

Your smartphone updates its operating system seamlessly in the background. Your neighbourhood café changes its menu seasonally.

1.5 Prototyping Solutions

In order to make great things and find answers to the most complex problems, we have to take small, manageable risks.

1.6 Testing

It's time to gather and plan with your team how to test the feasibility of your prototype.

2 Brand Repositioning

Defining a new image for the destination is defined by purpose.

2.1 Journey Mapping for Opening Markets

Something that worked successfully not long ago can appear less relevant in the fast-changing circumstances we are in at the moment.

2.2 Market Segments & Needs Mapping

The first step in the creation of an audience strategy is a brainstorming Sprint.

2.3 New Visitor Personas & Segments

Having customer personas is a great way to focus on your audience in a more targeted way.

2.4 New Normal. New Needs.

After mapping out all the necessary information about your personas you might find it useful to create a sort of ID for the persona.

2.5 Identifying New Ambassadors Around Purpose

When you have well-defined personas to describe the audience of your DMO, you can start creating persona-specific content.

3 Experience Design

This Sprint gets destination teams re-strategising their hero product offering, adapting it to the new realities the post COVID Visitor.

3.1 Pivoting Products and Experiences

With this template, you will be able to match your visitor's needs with your experiences.

3.2 Designing Hyper Focused Recovery Experiences

In this template we will help you to start developing unique ideas for niche experiences.

3.3 Developing Themed Recovery Experience Sets

In this mural, you will learn how to develop your own experiences within your destination.

3.4 Creating Mindful Trails & Itineraries to Isolation

In this Template, we will explore pairing together products and experiences within your destination to create unique trails & itineraries.

4 New Content Framework

Knowing the right tone of voice to adopt as we emerge out of this crisis requires a considered approach.

4.1 Exploring the New Destination Narrative

The first step in the creation of a content strategy is a brainstorming Sprint.

4.2 Identifying Stories that Resonate

Content teams are spending significant time and resources on, to produce content for the destination website, blog & social media channels.

4.3 Shaping the New Story Framework

Storytelling is the key to strengthen the message you convey about your destination.

4.4 Gathering Stories in the Community with the UGC

Consumer behaviour is changing quickly and so are content preferences.

4.5 Staged Recovery Planning Content Framework

Planning content requires a structure to follow because the elements to take into consideration are multiple.

5 Market Pivot

The staged recovery process will require a tilted strategy as the destination opens up.

5.1 Targeting Post COVID - Audiences, Channels and Tactics

With this sprint, you will be able to kick-off your work on your targeting after COVID-19.

5.2 Recovery Campaign Concepts

With this template, we are gonna guide you in the creation of Recovery Campaign Concepts, stories for your target audiences and channels.

5.3 The Redesigned Visitor Journey - Needs & Response

With this template, you will be able to work on targeting your audience at each stage of their visitor cycle.

6 Facilitating Change with Industry

Working together with a series of industry cohorts, businesses come together to co-create a new offer, adapted to the change in demand.

6.1 Industry Pivot

The industry needs support right now, more than it has ever done before.

6.2 Mapping Scenarios, Applying Empathy, Rose-Thorn-Bud Exercises

This stage serves as the opportunity to define the relationship between the DMO and the destination's industry.

6.3 Ideation, Prioritisation and Visioneering

Start dreaming big! No matter the size of your destination, set some visioneering goals.

12 Stages of Transformation

This Series is a comprehensive pack of resources created by the DTTT Team which follows the Transformation Framework, a model built around 12 key topics that form the basis for the Destination Transformation.

Introduction to the 12 Stages of Transformation Roadmap

The 12 Stages of Transformation Series is a comprehensive pack of resources created by the DTTT Team.

1.1 The Holistic View for DMOs

Identify strengths and weaknesses as well as any problems and/or any opportunities for growth.

1.2 From Destination Brand to Glass Box Brand

Think of your brand as a glass box, no longer a black box!

1.3 DTTT Guide to Human Centred Design

At the DTTT we work extensively with design thinking processes and methods, and we apply them to our projects on a daily basis.

2.1 The Visitor Cycle

The first basis for the identification of the different touchpoints, messages, channels and strategies used by the DMO.

2.2 Designing the Tourist Information Office of the Future

This template will help you designing the TIC of the future.

2.3 The Visitor Buying Cycle

In this template, we are looking at what we here at DTTT have identified as the key stages of the Visitor Buying Cycle.

3.1 Crafting Niche Experiences

In this template, we will help you to start developing unique ideas for niche experiences.

3.2 Developing Experiences

In this template, you will learn how to develop your own experiences within your destination.

3.3 Needs & Experience Matching

With this template, you will be able to match your visitor's needs with your experiences.

3.4 Planning Itineraries & Trails

In this Template, we will explore how to pair products and experiences within your destination to create unique trails & itineraries.

3.5 Designing Neighbourhood Experiences

In this Template, we are going to walk through how to build products and experiences around neighbourhoods in your destination.

3.6 DTTT Product & Experience Framework

We have developed a framework to help DMOs understand how to design Signature Experiences that are aligned with the brand.

4.1 Shaping the Brand

The Shaping the Brand template is one of our sprint templates designed to get your whole team working together to shape your brand!

4.2 Brand Identity Wheel

We have created this template to help you pinpoint your brand identity.

4.3 Brand Tone of Voice

When your brand is communicating across a multitude of channels, it is more important than ever that it is consistent and recognisable.

4.4 Brand Solution Statement

This template is designed to help your team work together to come up with brand solutions for your DMO.

4.5 Co-creating Your Brand

This template is designed to walk you through the process of co-creating your brand.

4.6 Brand Benchmarking

You’ve explored some new ideas to push your identity further. How do you get these component parts to work together?

5.1 Markets & Audiences

Gather your team to create an audience strategy.

5.2 Creating Customer Personas

Creating customer personas is a great way to focus on your audience in a more targeted way.

5.3 Customer Persona Card

You might find it useful to create a sort of ID for the persona, what we call the “Customer Persona Card”.

5.4 Identifying Ambassadors and Influencers

When you have well-defined personas to describe the audience of your DMO, you can start creating persona-specific content.

5.5 Crafting the Right Message for your Audience

This template is the one that completes your audience strategy.

6.1 Content & Engagement

Gather your whole team and use the Content & Engagement - Sprint template to map out content opportunities, weaknesses, needs and ideas.

6.2 Developing Stories

Our template is designed to provide a blank canvas for your team when developing stories.

6.3 Content Planning

Planning content requires a structure to follow because the elements to take into consideration are multiple.

6.4 User-Generated Content Strategy

Consumer behaviour is changing quickly and so are content preferences.

6.5 Storytelling Strategies

Storytelling is an integral part of digital marketing, crafting unique stories that match a destination's DNA.

7.1 Targeting & Distribution

With this sprint, you will be able to kick-off your work on your targeting and distribution strategies.

7.2 Creating Stories and Campaigns

With this template, we are gonna guide you in the creation of stories for your target audiences and channels.

7.3 Targeting & Distribution throughout the Visitor Cycle

With this template, you will be able to work on targeting your audience at each stage of their visitor cycle.

7.4 Using Big Data

This template helps you brainstorm ideas about how to use data to draw useful insights and turning it into smart data.

7.5 Creating Campaigns for Target Audiences

With this template, finally, you will be able to storyboard your campaigns based on your target audience.

8.1 Performance & Measurement

With this Sprint, you will be able to kick-off your work on performance and measurement.

8.2 Setting Goals, Strategies & KPIs

This template is a guide to understanding the 5 Goals.

8.3 Social Media Performance Audit

Here you can find one of the templates that will help you access some of the digital assets of your DMO.

8.4 Website Review & Benchmarking

This template will allow you to evaluate your website and compare it to other DMOs' ones.

9.1 Partnerships & Alliances

Start a brainstorming and ideation process to assess and implement the network of partners.

9.2 Strategic Partnership Framework

It is essential to understand what the needs of the DMO are, before trying to identify opportunities.

9.3 Creating Content Through Partnerships

This Template is the best way for you to start thinking about how to build a content strategy for your partnership campaign.

10.1 Technology & Disruption

Gather the whole team and think about the role of technology, knowledge and innovation inside your organisation.

10.2 How to Engage your Visitors with New Technology

With this template, you are going to explore new technologies to implement in your destination.

10.3 Creating Immersive Brand Experiences through 360 Storytelling

360 Content is a hugely powerful medium for storytelling but creating effective, powerful and engaging VR content isn't quite as easy.

10.4 New Technology Research and Development

We're taking R&D out of the research department and making it something that concerns everyone.

11.1 Knowledge & Insight

In the Knowledge & Insight Sprint, you will work on the internal knowledge exchange and insight of your organisation.

11.2 Sharing Knowledge with Stakeholders

Here, you will analyse if there are opportunities for knowledge exchange between the DMO and the external partners.

11.3 Aligning Departments and Centres of Excellence

The aim of a Centre of Excellence is to use knowledge management to better understand how to set a competitive advantage.

11.4 Turning Insights into Actions

Analytics is a critical aspect to be able to measure which of your activities are contributing to the destination.

12.1 Exploration & Innovation

Start innovating with a sprint! This template is the best way to run a sprint in your organisation.

12.2 How to Measure Innovation

Before and after undertaking a process that gravitates around innovation, it is important to measure the success of the performance.

DTTT Campus

This series provides you with Design Thinking and creative workshop templates led by Content Leads and Creators as part of the 4th edition DTTT Campus in Oslo, 2019.

Designing AR & VR Experiences

An exploratory process to look 'under the hood' at Visit Oslo's new AR App.

How to Gamify the Visitor Experience

A workshop on how to gamify the visitor experience with TheCamp, an incredible startup incubator in Provence in France.

Creating Immersive Brand Experiences through 360 & 180 Storytelling

360 Content is a hugely powerful medium for storytelling but creating effective, powerful and engaging VR content isn't quite as easy.

Niche Markets and Visual Storytelling

This workshop will fully explore the latest trends on visual storytelling, learning how to create the right content for the right audience.

Designing an End-to-End Premium Experience

This workshop will look at what is needed when it comes to designing an end-to-end premium experience.

Creating Digital Experiences & Location-Based Content

A workshop on how to develop Location-Based Content experiences (iBeacon or similar).

Designing a Framework for Sustainable Destinations

This workshop will look at designing a framework for a sustainable destination from two different perspectives.

Micro Mobility & Car-Free Cities

A workshop on how you can use mobility as a storytelling platform and assist with addressing over-tourism.

Designing an Industry Development Programme

This workshop focuses on how to design an industry development programme.

Experience Co-Creation with Visitors

This workshop will invite visitors to be part of a design thinking process, looking at expectations, challenges and opportunities.