Antwerp's Hyper Local Strategy

What key measures need to be in place to ensure the survival of local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic?

How can destinations begin recovery on a local level? What key measures need to be in place to ensure the survival of local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic?  A best practice example of a Hyper Local destination is the City of Antwerp, who have inspired us with their innovations. We caught up with them to find out more...

How can destinations begin recovery on a local level? What key measures need to be in place to ensure the survival of local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic?  A best practice example of a Hyper Local destination is the City of Antwerp, who have inspired us with their innovations. We caught up with them to find out more...

How can destinations begin recovery on a local level? What key measures need to be in place to ensure the survival of local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic?  A best practice example of a Hyper Local destination is the City of Antwerp, who have inspired us with their innovations. We caught up with them to find out more...

In a highly insightful online interview, the #DTTT spoke with Laura Vander Kerken, Destination Marketing Executive at the City of Antwerp, Karin Roofthooft, Account Manager at the Retail and Hospitality Industry Department of the City of Antwerp and Luc Van Loon, Marketing and Communications Manager at the City of Antwerp. Here are the key takeaways from Antwerp’s Hyper Local strategy from a marketing communications and a business perspective.

Create a Task Force with Local Stakeholders

When COVID-19 first impacted Antwerp, there were many stakeholders who wanted to deliver their own messages. To respond to this, Antwerp established a task force with representation from every department in Antwerp. This ensured a collaborative community approach, putting people together to share their needs and have a consensus as to what to tackle first. As the situation progressed, things began to move quickly and what allowed Antwerp to work well and be innovative, was a long-term strategy of 3 tracks and 5 or 6 campaigns. With everyone on board, Antwerp was able to cut through the political messaging to deliver a consistent message to its local community and build confidence.

Deliver a phased Hyper Local Communications Strategy

Antwerp has been successful with its Hyper Local strategy and community building because it has a strategic 3 track communications strategy. It has shifted from international marketing to the national market. Here are the 3 tracks explained as part of Antwerp’s step by step process.

1st track - Local Focus

  • The “See you Later” campaign, beautifully shot and in Flemish
  • Translating government measures to advise the local population and target groups
  • Providing up to date guidelines to advise local businesses

2nd track - Perseverance

  • Keeping social distancing rules in place for the local community
  • Launching the 2nd campaign ”Thanks for all the helping hands” supporting local healthcare workers and putting them in the spotlight.
  • Launching the 3rd campaign “I buy in Antwerp” to drive people to existing platforms so that they can buy locally and digitally. (3rd campaign) and feature “No trousers Sunday” where people can buy everything they want online without leaving home.

3rd track - Looking Ahead

  • Scheduling 2 Hyper Local campaigns for mid June
  • A dreaming campaign for locals and non-locals to dream of what is to come. To share dreams of the city, what they miss the most, what they want to do. The message is that the city is on pause but will be back shortly and is looking forward to seeing you. This is a social listening and awareness campaign, directed at people interested in the city.
  • A summer campaign to make Antwerp beam again this summer. Based on the Antwerp logo, it summarises all things people can do in the city. It is a campaign for locals and also the  neighbouring countries. The campaign provides a platform where people can find everything they can do in the city, whilst respecting government guidelines. It makes clear to them what is possible in the city and encourages creativity.  

For DMOs, COVID-19 has presented a new way of working and changed the role of the DMO. For now hard promotion is not necessary, as DMOs offer solutions and guidelines instead.

Reposition Digitally as Global yet Local

Antwerp’s strategy of taking local business online has not only been effective locally, but also internationally. The E-Shop initiative is a great example of this global, yet local thinking. Working globally, Anterwerp has positioned itself internationally, but has showcased its local businesses online and given them a boost. Its business strategy is built around three offerings:

  • The E-Shop and the “I buy locally, I buy in Antwerp” campaign.
  • The Dinner Gift restaurant voucher, not used to dine out but to use in specific retail shops and restaurants.
  • The Antwerp city day out voucher, offering a day in the city with 100 euros to spend when everything is up and running.

The most successful of these is the E-shop commercial platform, effectively promoting local businesses and Antwerp. It ensured Antwerp was visible in the digital world in a campaign for local consumers. It was one of three platforms developed to help small businesses. The E-shop is a blessing for DMOs, who are able to tell partners about this  package and their campaigns.

Going forward businesses that have gone online are likely to see an increase in revenue and will put more effort into improving them, as they see value in going digital. It's an opportunity for local businesses to connect with the local community as they rediscover local shops and are encouraged to buy local.

Reinvent the Product for the Local Community

In finding new ways for locals to discover Antwerp, the city is now developing a new offer for its local community in place of cancelled events. Antwerp plans to develop 500 ideas and advertise them on various platforms. By redeveloping and reinventing its product offering, it will be able to sustain local businesses as attractions and keep them relevant. Local businesses and restaurants are adapting their product offering and the way they operate to provide local people with a service during social distancing rules. Antwerp has supported this with its messaging, a call to action for locals to discover new services and new offerings in their local community.

Simplify the Business Model

In an unprecedented change, high end restaurants in Antwerp are, like many shops and restaurants, responding to people’s needs and offering takeaway services. By tilting their strategy, they are able to stay relevant and visible for the local market. Many restaurants are simplifying their business models, by scaling down, publicising their signature dishes and delivering a service in a different way. This strategy is essential for survival in the current conditions. Now is a good time for local businesses to assess how things will look post COVID-19 and how they can operate differently. In Antwerp, they aim to open all businesses at once, in a coordinated response that allows fair competition.

At the #DTTT, we believe that as a city that Antwerp will grow during and post recovery through its holistic and Hyper Local approach. It has demonstrated itself to be a city that has come together and produced innovative solutions to offset the impact of COVID-19. Its Hyper Local strategy will ensure a faster recovery and a stronger connection with its local businesses and community beyond COVID-19.

Has your destination developed a Hyper Local strategy that you would like to share with us?

Key Takeaways

Published on:
May 2020
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