The Power of Voice Search with Aerin

Aertrip enabled Aerin - a personal travel assistant - which allows users to find the best flight deals with simple voice commands within seconds.

At the DTTT, we truly believe that technology can help businesses be more successful and this is a great example a company that puts innovation and consumer trends at the front.

At the DTTT, we truly believe that technology can help businesses be more successful and this is a great example a company that puts innovation and consumer trends at the front.

Aertrip is a travel planning and booking website, which focuses on flights, accommodation, holiday packages and visas.

The goal of the platform is to help consumers find their preferred options faster by using technology - AI features like smart sorting and voice search, for example.

The latter is the one we will focus on in this case study - to understand how voice assistants work and their relevance for the industry in responding to consumer needs.

The Power of Aerin

Aertrip enabled Aerin - a personal travel assistant - which allows users to find the best flight deals with simple voice commands within seconds.

So far, Aerin can help with most flight searches. With regular updates, they expect it to become smarter and more capable. 

On the website, one can just tap and talk and start a 2-way conversation - Aerin replies in text. 

The technology works pretty well from the tests we ran. It understands everything and provides a quick result for flights. If Aerin has any doubts during the process, it will ask you before presenting the results.

Online privacy might also be an issue today, but Aerin ensures that all searches and requests remain private and secure. 

It is also worth highlighting that Aerin is available in more than 50 languages, covering a huge part of the tourism market.

Voice Search on the Rise

With voice search capabilities, Aertrip meets growing demand from consumers. In fact, voice search is a huge consumer trend - mainly because it is increasingly accurate and it saves a lot of time searching.

At X. Festival 2022, Lottie Norman, from Contiki, provided a comprehensive view of the relevance of search speaker devices in the industry. According to her, voice based shopping was about to reach $40 billion by the end of 2022. 

Lottie shared a few other interesting pieces of data about this - 71% of people prefer to conduct queries by voice instead of typing; 65% of smart speaker owners can’t imagine living without them; 52% of voice searchers want more information about deals, sales, etc.

This confirms the important role played by voice search in marketing activities, which is equally applicable within the tourism industry. Today, we don’t see a lot of players investing in voice search-related services, which makes it even more special to find businesses like Aertrip that provide a solution to a necessity in the market - in a simple but brilliant way.

At the DTTT, we truly believe that technology can help businesses be more successful and this is a great example a company that puts innovation and consumer trends at the front.

Key Takeaways

  • Voice assistants are progressively becoming embedded in daily life as the technologies behind these products improve.

  • Touchless technologies like voice search devices help reduce or eliminate touch points.

  • Businesses and destinations need to know what languages are spoken by their target markets and ensure that the AI model has been tested rigorously in interpretation.
Published on:
February 2023
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