1.4 Ideating Solutions Collectively

Your smartphone updates its operating system seamlessly in the background. Your neighbourhood café changes its menu seasonally.

So why does it take two years for your team to update your users’ experience? Even when you do get to make changes, they’re small and feel like they might be irrelevant.

It is now time to visually represent or write down your ideas on how to grow and be successful like you were before this time of uncertainty.

So why does it take two years for your team to update your users’ experience? Even when you do get to make changes, they’re small and feel like they might be irrelevant.

It is now time to visually represent or write down your ideas on how to grow and be successful like you were before this time of uncertainty.

Your smartphone updates its operating system seamlessly in the background. Your neighbourhood café changes its menu seasonally. So why does it take two years for your team to update your users’ experience? Even when you do get to make changes, they’re small and feel like they might be irrelevant.

It is now time to visually represent or write down your ideas on how to grow and be successful like you were before this time of uncertainty.

If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Albert Einstein

To the infinite and beyond: Never limit your brainstorming skills!

Now, take into consideration the challenge you identified in the previous phase 'Defining' and start ideating possible solutions to it.

When it comes to the ideation phase, prioritise quantity over quality to come up with as many ideas as possible. Write before you speak! No idea is wrong until someone makes you think so. Don't tell it to anyone, write it down and put it on the board. If that idea won't be strong enough, it could always be useful to contribute to the creation of a final solution.

Get Access to the Mural Template here.

Boost Brainstorming with Absurdity!

If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Albert Einstein

Over the course of time, ideas ebb and flow. They’ll start as boring and move between absurd and brilliant. The more absurd the idea, the more likely it will spawn a brilliant one. So when ideating gets stale or hard, try a strange or silly prompt.

So now, if you feel like you haven't take that step forward in the previous template, you have another chance in this one, with absurd ideation.

Get access to the Mural Template here

After the ideation process is over, discuss together and pick the ones you think are the best ideas and prepare for the next phase: prototyping!

Template material
Template material

So why does it take two years for your team to update your users’ experience? Even when you do get to make changes, they’re small and feel like they might be irrelevant.

It is now time to visually represent or write down your ideas on how to grow and be successful like you were before this time of uncertainty.

Your smartphone updates its operating system seamlessly in the background. Your neighbourhood café changes its menu seasonally. So why does it take two years for your team to update your users’ experience? Even when you do get to make changes, they’re small and feel like they might be irrelevant.

It is now time to visually represent or write down your ideas on how to grow and be successful like you were before this time of uncertainty.

If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Albert Einstein

To the infinite and beyond: Never limit your brainstorming skills!

Now, take into consideration the challenge you identified in the previous phase 'Defining' and start ideating possible solutions to it.

When it comes to the ideation phase, prioritise quantity over quality to come up with as many ideas as possible. Write before you speak! No idea is wrong until someone makes you think so. Don't tell it to anyone, write it down and put it on the board. If that idea won't be strong enough, it could always be useful to contribute to the creation of a final solution.

Get Access to the Mural Template here.

Boost Brainstorming with Absurdity!

If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Albert Einstein

Over the course of time, ideas ebb and flow. They’ll start as boring and move between absurd and brilliant. The more absurd the idea, the more likely it will spawn a brilliant one. So when ideating gets stale or hard, try a strange or silly prompt.

So now, if you feel like you haven't take that step forward in the previous template, you have another chance in this one, with absurd ideation.

Get access to the Mural Template here

After the ideation process is over, discuss together and pick the ones you think are the best ideas and prepare for the next phase: prototyping!

Template material
Template material