2.2 Market Segments & Needs Mapping

The first step in the creation of an audience strategy is a brainstorming Sprint.

Gather remotely and work on this Sprint template to map out changes, opportunities, consumer demographics, needs, key influences and interests of your existing and potential target audiences.

Gather remotely and work on this Sprint template to map out changes, opportunities, consumer demographics, needs, key influences and interests of your existing and potential target audiences.

The first step in the creation of an audience strategy is a brainstorming Sprint. Gather remotely and work on this Sprint template to map out changes, opportunities, consumer demographics, needs, key influences and interests of your existing and potential target audiences.

Use the sticky notes or write directly on each section of the template to gather data and answer these questions:

Changes: What are the main changes in the audience you target normally and aim to target in this new phase of your DMO's life?

Opportunities: Where do you see market opportunities for your organisation? Do changes in current and traditional markets present new opportunities for you? Where do opportunities exist which haven't yet been fully exploited?

Consumer demographics: How are visitor profiles changing? How successful is your organisation in engaging new types of visitors vs. old? How do you ensure your destination stays relevant?

Need mapping: How well-defined are your audiences? Who is your online audience and what are their needs? How can you support their needs to help form an opinion, develop an interest and support their visit?

Key influences: What factors influence their impression of your destination? How do factors like reputation, price, image, impact perception and the decision process? Are we successful at shaping this impression?

Interests: What are the key interests which resonate well with online audiences? Where do you believe your organisation stands apart from other destinations and which 'niche' audiences are key to engaging audiences online?

Gather remotely and work on this Sprint template to map out changes, opportunities, consumer demographics, needs, key influences and interests of your existing and potential target audiences.

The first step in the creation of an audience strategy is a brainstorming Sprint. Gather remotely and work on this Sprint template to map out changes, opportunities, consumer demographics, needs, key influences and interests of your existing and potential target audiences.

Use the sticky notes or write directly on each section of the template to gather data and answer these questions:

Changes: What are the main changes in the audience you target normally and aim to target in this new phase of your DMO's life?

Opportunities: Where do you see market opportunities for your organisation? Do changes in current and traditional markets present new opportunities for you? Where do opportunities exist which haven't yet been fully exploited?

Consumer demographics: How are visitor profiles changing? How successful is your organisation in engaging new types of visitors vs. old? How do you ensure your destination stays relevant?

Need mapping: How well-defined are your audiences? Who is your online audience and what are their needs? How can you support their needs to help form an opinion, develop an interest and support their visit?

Key influences: What factors influence their impression of your destination? How do factors like reputation, price, image, impact perception and the decision process? Are we successful at shaping this impression?

Interests: What are the key interests which resonate well with online audiences? Where do you believe your organisation stands apart from other destinations and which 'niche' audiences are key to engaging audiences online?