2.5 Identifying New Ambassadors Around Purpose

When you have well-defined personas to describe the audience of your DMO, you can start creating persona-specific content.

The creation of content, in fact, should come after having evaluated the persona and identified which interests and affinities they have so that you have an indication of which messages they want to hear about and you can craft the correct one.

The creation of content, in fact, should come after having evaluated the persona and identified which interests and affinities they have so that you have an indication of which messages they want to hear about and you can craft the correct one.

When you have well-defined personas to describe the audience of your DMO, you can start creating persona-specific content. The creation of content, in fact, should come after having evaluated the persona and identified which interests and affinities they have so that you have an indication of which messages they want to hear about and you can craft the correct one.

To even increase the chances that your audience will pay attention to your messages you should consider the opportunity of partnering with people your personas love. These people are influencing the opinion and the buying behaviour of your audience and they could become the ambassadors of your brand. Working with ambassadors and influencers will give your brand a competitive advantage because consumers trust them and are more inclined to listen to their messages, while you prevent miss-judged and potentially damaging brand-associations.

Through this template, you will be able to assign a specific ambassador and influencer to each of your personas and start creating the basis of the communication plan.

The left side of the template helps you brainstorm more in general about your audience, their interests and how you can get in touch with them. It also helps you think about your brand and the tone of voice you should use in your communication. Last it guides you on the creation of content, making you brainstorm about the channels and its distribution.

The central and right side of the template will help you identify the ambassadors and influencers that most suit the communication for your personas, themes, neighbourhoods and experiences at the destination.

The creation of content, in fact, should come after having evaluated the persona and identified which interests and affinities they have so that you have an indication of which messages they want to hear about and you can craft the correct one.

When you have well-defined personas to describe the audience of your DMO, you can start creating persona-specific content. The creation of content, in fact, should come after having evaluated the persona and identified which interests and affinities they have so that you have an indication of which messages they want to hear about and you can craft the correct one.

To even increase the chances that your audience will pay attention to your messages you should consider the opportunity of partnering with people your personas love. These people are influencing the opinion and the buying behaviour of your audience and they could become the ambassadors of your brand. Working with ambassadors and influencers will give your brand a competitive advantage because consumers trust them and are more inclined to listen to their messages, while you prevent miss-judged and potentially damaging brand-associations.

Through this template, you will be able to assign a specific ambassador and influencer to each of your personas and start creating the basis of the communication plan.

The left side of the template helps you brainstorm more in general about your audience, their interests and how you can get in touch with them. It also helps you think about your brand and the tone of voice you should use in your communication. Last it guides you on the creation of content, making you brainstorm about the channels and its distribution.

The central and right side of the template will help you identify the ambassadors and influencers that most suit the communication for your personas, themes, neighbourhoods and experiences at the destination.