3.3 Articulating an AI Strategy to Support Your Recovery

AI isn't about over complex technologies and strategies.

AI isn't about over complex technologies and strategies. In its simplest form, it can be implemented with no effort and only with minimum investment that will help your business grow and support your recovery.

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AI isn't about over complex technologies and strategies. In its simplest form, it can be implemented with no effort and only with minimum investment that will help your business grow and support your recovery.

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AI isn't about over complex technologies and strategies. In its simplest form, it can be implemented with no effort and only with minimum investment that will help your business grow and support your recovery.

AI can take us much further helping with content personalisation, connecting channels, personalising services, etc.

AI to Support Your Digital Growth & Recovery

A) Reducing time spent on activities and operations

AI can help you automate customer communication by channelling queries with a specific logic. We present two tools that can result quite helpful for this:

ChatBots. These can resolve up to 80% of customer inquiries, with the advantage that it can provide answers 24/7, and allows customers to forward their question to an employee if an answer can't be found.

  • Facebook Messenger Bot. Many chatbot tools can be integrated into Facebook Messenger for automatic responses, e.g. Chatfuel.

Online form tools. Through simple logics, the process of online forms can be automated for channelling questions and answers.

  • Typeform is one of our favourite tools for this.

Furthermore, AI can help manage productivity by automating things such as time-tracking on activities.

Time tracking. This AI tools can help track the time spent on documents, meetings, emails, websites, and video calls.

  • Timely. Time tracking tool that helps teams that helps manage productivity byhaving an overview of how time's spent.

B) Marketing Automation

From a business point of view, the implementation of AI tools within marketing operations is very interesting, as they allow to intelligently target people based on their data.

When starting to use AI for these operations, it is important to start by implementing simple and free tools and if later needed, incorporate more complex and paid systems.

Email platforms. The implementation of AI in this systems can help businesses personalise email communications.

  • Mailchimp. Well-structured and easy-to-use email marketing tool. Helps us build better communication with customers through personalised product recommendations and help to write better subject lines among other features.

AI-Powered Ads. Tools that use AI to target the communications to the right customer and audiences, through specific and precise attributes.

  • Google Ads. Offers smart campaigns to helping businesses save time. The system offers Smart Bidding options and Responsive Search Ads.
  • Facebook Automated Ads. AI is used to learn what ads may perform best and makes automatic improvements and suggestions.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Designed to gather customer data across communication channels, and work with AI to improve Lead Qualification, Sales Forecasting, Sentiment Analysis, etc.

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AI isn't about over complex technologies and strategies. In its simplest form, it can be implemented with no effort and only with minimum investment that will help your business grow and support your recovery.

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AI isn't about over complex technologies and strategies. In its simplest form, it can be implemented with no effort and only with minimum investment that will help your business grow and support your recovery.

AI can take us much further helping with content personalisation, connecting channels, personalising services, etc.

AI to Support Your Digital Growth & Recovery

A) Reducing time spent on activities and operations

AI can help you automate customer communication by channelling queries with a specific logic. We present two tools that can result quite helpful for this:

ChatBots. These can resolve up to 80% of customer inquiries, with the advantage that it can provide answers 24/7, and allows customers to forward their question to an employee if an answer can't be found.

  • Facebook Messenger Bot. Many chatbot tools can be integrated into Facebook Messenger for automatic responses, e.g. Chatfuel.

Online form tools. Through simple logics, the process of online forms can be automated for channelling questions and answers.

  • Typeform is one of our favourite tools for this.

Furthermore, AI can help manage productivity by automating things such as time-tracking on activities.

Time tracking. This AI tools can help track the time spent on documents, meetings, emails, websites, and video calls.

  • Timely. Time tracking tool that helps teams that helps manage productivity byhaving an overview of how time's spent.

B) Marketing Automation

From a business point of view, the implementation of AI tools within marketing operations is very interesting, as they allow to intelligently target people based on their data.

When starting to use AI for these operations, it is important to start by implementing simple and free tools and if later needed, incorporate more complex and paid systems.

Email platforms. The implementation of AI in this systems can help businesses personalise email communications.

  • Mailchimp. Well-structured and easy-to-use email marketing tool. Helps us build better communication with customers through personalised product recommendations and help to write better subject lines among other features.

AI-Powered Ads. Tools that use AI to target the communications to the right customer and audiences, through specific and precise attributes.

  • Google Ads. Offers smart campaigns to helping businesses save time. The system offers Smart Bidding options and Responsive Search Ads.
  • Facebook Automated Ads. AI is used to learn what ads may perform best and makes automatic improvements and suggestions.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Designed to gather customer data across communication channels, and work with AI to improve Lead Qualification, Sales Forecasting, Sentiment Analysis, etc.

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