5.5 Crafting the Right Message for your Audience

This template is the one that completes your audience strategy.

This template is the one that completes your audience strategy. It will help you define the strategy for the creation of a communication campaign or concept based on the personas you identified with the previous templates.

This template is the one that completes your audience strategy. It will help you define the strategy for the creation of a communication campaign or concept based on the personas you identified with the previous templates.

This template is the one that completes your audience strategy. It will help you define the strategy for the creation of a communication campaign or concept based on the personas you identified with the previous templates.

  1. Take the four personas you identified in the Creating Customer Personas template and for each of them define the products or experiences of your destination that might be suitable for them.
  2. Then think about the message you want to convey to that specific persona, think about a specific tone of voice or imagine a payoff for your destination or for those products and experiences.
  3. Next think about the platform and format of the message you want to launch, think strategically based on which channels your persona most uses during the day and what is the best format for your communication with them.
  4. Last, brainstorm about the storytelling you want to create around the content. You might want to collaborate with ambassadors and influencers to create great content and storytelling or you might want to think about content created by common people to inspire those personas.

Use this template to have an acknowledgement within your DMO of the communication you want to put in place to reach your target audience and the personas you have identified.

This template is the one that completes your audience strategy. It will help you define the strategy for the creation of a communication campaign or concept based on the personas you identified with the previous templates.

This template is the one that completes your audience strategy. It will help you define the strategy for the creation of a communication campaign or concept based on the personas you identified with the previous templates.

  1. Take the four personas you identified in the Creating Customer Personas template and for each of them define the products or experiences of your destination that might be suitable for them.
  2. Then think about the message you want to convey to that specific persona, think about a specific tone of voice or imagine a payoff for your destination or for those products and experiences.
  3. Next think about the platform and format of the message you want to launch, think strategically based on which channels your persona most uses during the day and what is the best format for your communication with them.
  4. Last, brainstorm about the storytelling you want to create around the content. You might want to collaborate with ambassadors and influencers to create great content and storytelling or you might want to think about content created by common people to inspire those personas.

Use this template to have an acknowledgement within your DMO of the communication you want to put in place to reach your target audience and the personas you have identified.