Define Your Stakeholders’ Needs and Problems

The objective is to start making sense of the landscape solutions you’re exploring to clearly formulate the challenge you want to solve.

What Will You Gain From This Exercise?

In this first exercise, we want to help you identify what your stakeholders are doing, thinking and feeling throughout the different phases of their actions. This will help you define how your organisation can mediate their positive and negative feelings through the development of your sustainable strategy.

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Defining Package

What Will You Gain From This Exercise?

In this first exercise, we want to help you identify what your stakeholders are doing, thinking and feeling throughout the different phases of their actions. This will help you define how your organisation can mediate their positive and negative feelings through the development of your sustainable strategy.

Template material

Defining Package

We have divided this activity into 3 different sub-exercises to clarify, focus and define the insights that you have gathered in Activity 2. The objective is to start making sense of the landscape solutions you’re exploring to be able to clearly formulate the challenge you want to help solve.

Defining: Brainstorming With Your Team

⚠️ This exercise is optional. If your team has established the key areas or problems on which you'd like to focus, you can move to the next exercise.

What Will You Gain From This Exercise?

In this first exercise, we want to help you identify what your stakeholders are doing, thinking and feeling throughout the different phases of their actions. This will help you define how your organisation can mediate their positive and negative feelings through the development of your sustainable strategy.

What Does The Exercise Entail?

The first part of the exercise will require you to put yourself in the shoes of your stakeholders and try to uncover what they do, think and feel in regards to sustainability. The objective is to then cluster those ideas that are similar and try to depict the phases that the destination's stakeholders go through when thinking, planning or considering sustainability.

Once your team has completed the previous tasks, it is time to identify the areas which can result particularly positive or negative for the stakeholders. This will serve as a starting point to understand where they stand and how we could help them through our strategy.

You can complete this exercise by downloading the template at the end of this article.

Defining Your Organisation's Hills

⚠️ We recommend doing this exercise, as it will help you define how your future sustainable strategy can function within the context of your destination's stakeholders.

What Will You Gain From This Exercise?

This exercise will help you consider how your sustainable strategy can function within the context of your destination's stakeholders. In addition, it should allow you to define releases or enhancements based on what will add value to your stakeholders based on real knowledge of your stakeholders' needs.

What Does The Exercise Entail?

To complete this exercise you will have to write down as many ideas as you can for each of the columns (WHO, WHAT and WOW), focusing on quantity over quality. The ideas should relate to who you think a sustainability strategy could benefit, how it would benefit them and what they will be able to achieve by means of the strategy being put in place.

Once the entire team has written their ideas down, you should regroup and share them. The idea is to then start building sentences through a combination of the different ideas in the three columns to describe what your DMO's purpose will be in relation to the stakeholders.

By then creating Hills with your team, we would like you to share them with your sponsor user/users to get a fresh pair of eyes to read the drafted Hills and check whether the direction you aim to set is in line with the reality of your destination.

You can complete this exercise by downloading the template at the end of this article.

The 5 Whys Exercise

⚠️ This exercise is recommended, as it will help you uncover the cause of your challenge. Nonetheless, if you have limited time availability, we suggest working on the exercise above.

What Will You Gain From This Exercise?

Through this simple exercise, we want to help you and your team solve any problem your organisation may face in the elaboration of your Sustainability Journey by repeatedly asking the question "Why" to peel away the layers of symptoms that can lead to the root cause.

What Does The Exercise Entail?

To complete this exercise you should start by writing down what you believe is your main problem when thinking about your DMO's Sustainability Journey. When you have all agreed that that is the main problem, ask yourselves why that problem happens and write, in the box below, the answer.

If when looking at the answer provided you and your team believe this doesn't identify the root cause of the problem stated at the beginning of the exercise, ask yourselves why again and write the answer below.  

You should repeat the process until you reach the root cause of the problem, which in turn will help you identify possible ways in which your sustainable strategy can best be developed to solve for it.

You can complete this exercise by downloading the templates pack here.

Template material
Template material

Defining Package

Template material

What Will You Gain From This Exercise?

In this first exercise, we want to help you identify what your stakeholders are doing, thinking and feeling throughout the different phases of their actions. This will help you define how your organisation can mediate their positive and negative feelings through the development of your sustainable strategy.

Template material

Defining Package

We have divided this activity into 3 different sub-exercises to clarify, focus and define the insights that you have gathered in Activity 2. The objective is to start making sense of the landscape solutions you’re exploring to be able to clearly formulate the challenge you want to help solve.

Defining: Brainstorming With Your Team

⚠️ This exercise is optional. If your team has established the key areas or problems on which you'd like to focus, you can move to the next exercise.

What Will You Gain From This Exercise?

In this first exercise, we want to help you identify what your stakeholders are doing, thinking and feeling throughout the different phases of their actions. This will help you define how your organisation can mediate their positive and negative feelings through the development of your sustainable strategy.

What Does The Exercise Entail?

The first part of the exercise will require you to put yourself in the shoes of your stakeholders and try to uncover what they do, think and feel in regards to sustainability. The objective is to then cluster those ideas that are similar and try to depict the phases that the destination's stakeholders go through when thinking, planning or considering sustainability.

Once your team has completed the previous tasks, it is time to identify the areas which can result particularly positive or negative for the stakeholders. This will serve as a starting point to understand where they stand and how we could help them through our strategy.

You can complete this exercise by downloading the template at the end of this article.

Defining Your Organisation's Hills

⚠️ We recommend doing this exercise, as it will help you define how your future sustainable strategy can function within the context of your destination's stakeholders.

What Will You Gain From This Exercise?

This exercise will help you consider how your sustainable strategy can function within the context of your destination's stakeholders. In addition, it should allow you to define releases or enhancements based on what will add value to your stakeholders based on real knowledge of your stakeholders' needs.

What Does The Exercise Entail?

To complete this exercise you will have to write down as many ideas as you can for each of the columns (WHO, WHAT and WOW), focusing on quantity over quality. The ideas should relate to who you think a sustainability strategy could benefit, how it would benefit them and what they will be able to achieve by means of the strategy being put in place.

Once the entire team has written their ideas down, you should regroup and share them. The idea is to then start building sentences through a combination of the different ideas in the three columns to describe what your DMO's purpose will be in relation to the stakeholders.

By then creating Hills with your team, we would like you to share them with your sponsor user/users to get a fresh pair of eyes to read the drafted Hills and check whether the direction you aim to set is in line with the reality of your destination.

You can complete this exercise by downloading the template at the end of this article.

The 5 Whys Exercise

⚠️ This exercise is recommended, as it will help you uncover the cause of your challenge. Nonetheless, if you have limited time availability, we suggest working on the exercise above.

What Will You Gain From This Exercise?

Through this simple exercise, we want to help you and your team solve any problem your organisation may face in the elaboration of your Sustainability Journey by repeatedly asking the question "Why" to peel away the layers of symptoms that can lead to the root cause.

What Does The Exercise Entail?

To complete this exercise you should start by writing down what you believe is your main problem when thinking about your DMO's Sustainability Journey. When you have all agreed that that is the main problem, ask yourselves why that problem happens and write, in the box below, the answer.

If when looking at the answer provided you and your team believe this doesn't identify the root cause of the problem stated at the beginning of the exercise, ask yourselves why again and write the answer below.  

You should repeat the process until you reach the root cause of the problem, which in turn will help you identify possible ways in which your sustainable strategy can best be developed to solve for it.

You can complete this exercise by downloading the templates pack here.

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Template material

Defining Package

Template material