Geneva Tourism - Business Intelligence, Data & Destination Marketing

Jean-Philippe currently has worked at Geneva Tourism for a number of year's where he's been progressively building up an impressive data dashboard.

Jean-Philippe currently has worked at Geneva Tourism for a number of year's where he's been progressively building up an impressive data dashboard using business intelligence tools and tapping into the huge wealth of data that Geneva Tourism either has or has managed to gain access to.

Jean-Philippe currently has worked at Geneva Tourism for a number of year's where he's been progressively building up an impressive data dashboard using business intelligence tools and tapping into the huge wealth of data that Geneva Tourism either has or has managed to gain access to.

Jean-Philippe currently has worked at Geneva Tourism for a number of year's where he's been progressively building up an impressive data dashboard using business intelligence tools and tapping into the huge wealth of data that Geneva Tourism either has or has managed to gain access to.

This stands out to us as a great example of a destination which has really leveraged the opportunities of data in a smart way, by taking control over their assets, negotiating strong agreements to gain access to data and producing a meaningful analysis which helps them better inform marketing, commercial and development needs.

'JP' also joined the #DTTT Expert team recently and has been working together with us and other experts to develop remote services to help other DMOs get to grips with data by looking at the opportunities they have to turn their various touch points into useful insights.

Key Takeaways

Published on:
February 2018
About the contributor

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