Sparks of Various Appearances of XR and its Potential for New Approaches in Tourism

Sven and Camillo joined us to discuss the various sparks of AR and XR for new approaches in Tourism and Travel.

AR itself come with a number of modalities such as Web AR, Social AR, AR links and Native Apps. Sven and Camillo explained that to them, AR is a tool to enhance real experiences.

AR itself come with a number of modalities such as Web AR, Social AR, AR links and Native Apps. Sven and Camillo explained that to them, AR is a tool to enhance real experiences.

X Design Week was all about digitalisation and introducing digital solutions for the future of Tourism and Travel. Sven Weber and Camillo Stark from joined us to discuss the various sparks of AR and XR for new approaches in Tourism and Travel. work in the field of experiential marketing. They work with marketing agencies focusing on digital solutions that sell.

AR itself come with a number of modalities such as Web AR, Social AR, AR links and Native Apps. Sven and Camillo explained that to them, AR is a tool to enhance real experiences. As such AR acts like a portal that takes visitors to different locations and time zones.

The speakers explained the different applications of AR. For example, AR links are mostly used in e-commerce. They commented that the best way to facilitate interactivity is to use AR frameworks in channels such as Instagram and Snapchat. For better exposure and sales space, it is best to use apps that are already installed on users' phones. Sven and Camillo recommend social AR. They referenced the Coachella example for inspiration to disseminate and communicate information and create a viral effect. AR also creates opportunities post-travel too, including digital souvenirs and filters that reference experiences and can be activated later.

In the future, AR can bring playful augmentations to tourism brands. Sven and Camillo consider social AR to expand even more and become greater and more powerful. The Metaverse will play a powerful role too. Sven and Camillo explained that a vision for Metaverse is enhanced real-life experience. AR allows individualising the reality. One prospect of AR is that by using technology, one can choose what to see in space. AR glasses are one example of making this happen. Today we are yet nowhere with the hardware and software required from the Meta vision of the Metaverse, but it is time start to start working on it and launch projects. The real-world Metaverse will come first, for example in VR, the other version will follow later.

In terms of accessibility, AR opens many doors to integrating digital in destinations. Users are in different channels, so the important thing is to be multichannel. Different audience demographics are on different social platforms. Therefore to be visible to all and allow access. The speakers recommend a comprehensive communication and digital strategy. As for the strategy and content, in general, Sven and Camillo recommend starting small and enhance we already have. An example of this is how the use of smart assistants has evolved over time from searching on Google to talking to Siri. The use of tech will continue to evolve. What if we engage and communicate with objects? Objects that could come to life and make recommendations about destinations and experiences.

What destinations have to consider is how to quantify the impact by employing digital technologies. It's all about targets and making the right case. The thinking process should include how the service provided could be better using AR.

Key Takeaways

1. An extensive marketplace exists for AR solutions. Different modalities of AR contribute to the digital presence of businesses and destinations and allow interactivity.

2. Social AR has great potential and is the best way to reach the audience using existing and well-known apps and platforms.

3. The key is to be multichannel and address different demographics that they engage with most.

4. AR has many prospects in the future. AR solutions can become the next general travel assistant by bringing objects to life and allowing augmented conversation in real life.

Published on:
June 2022
About the contributor

Sven Weber 

Sven is a an omnichannel expert with a strong focus on engaging social augmented reality experiences.

Camillo Stark

Mr. Stark founded an AR Agency (appear2media) in 2012 which merged in 2019 into the Group. He is responsible for more than 1.000 successful executed AR-Projects all over the world and is one of the most experienced figures in the XR industry.


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