XGames Oslo: Real-time Marketing

This case study shows how VisitOSLO created a great alliance in the occasion of the XGames.

This case study shows how VisitOSLO created a great alliance in occasion of the XGames. Events play a central role in VisitOSLO's strategy that includes large events in the city that also appeal to an international audience. For Oslo as a tourism destination, it is paramount to increase the visibility and buzz value of the city, counteracting the intensifying global competition.

This case study shows how VisitOSLO created a great alliance in occasion of the XGames. Events play a central role in VisitOSLO's strategy that includes large events in the city that also appeal to an international audience. For Oslo as a tourism destination, it is paramount to increase the visibility and buzz value of the city, counteracting the intensifying global competition.

This case study shows how VisitOSLO created a great alliance in occasion of the XGames. Events play a central role in VisitOSLO's strategy that includes large events in the city that also appeal to an international audience. For Oslo as a tourism destination, it is paramount to increase the visibility and buzz value of the city, counteracting the intensifying global competition.

In February 2016, for the first time, a commercial enterprise arranged a large international sports event in Norway. For the majority of destinations, bringing large scale events with an international appeal can help to open up opportunities in existing and new target markets. However, positioning and branding a destination through an event is often only proving successful in the long-run instead of achieving immediate results.

Establishing a relationship with the event organisers allowed VisitOSLO to focus on live marketing the event, producing real-time content and Snap stories, highlighting 'behind the scenes' aspects of the games. Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter were all used to broadcast live from the event, especially during the finals and concerts. To take full advantage of the X Games and social media buzz, VisitOSLO also shared content from ESPN and the athletes on Facebook and Instagram. The combination of engaging and real-time content proved successful, triggering conversations and widespread engagement. VisitOSLO's content marketing and engagement strategy enabled the team to communicate and engage with those target groups that 'live' online and are naturally sharing and engaging with experiences.

Key Takeaways

Published on:
February 2018
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