Stage 11. Knowledge & Insights

Establishing a culture for knowledge exchange internally in the workflow and externally through industry.

How do DMOs create and exchange knowledge inside the organisation, amongst team members and departments, as well as externally in the destination, with key stakeholders and partners? This is the main question we are going to answer in this chapter through the exploration of three sections.

How do DMOs create and exchange knowledge inside the organisation, amongst team members and departments, as well as externally in the destination, with key stakeholders and partners? This is the main question we are going to answer in this chapter through the exploration of three sections.

How do DMOs create and exchange knowledge inside the organisation, amongst team members and departments, as well as externally in the destination, with key stakeholders and partners? This is the main question we are going to answer in this chapter through the exploration of three sections.

In the first section, we focus on the internal knowledge environment of the organisation, the starting point to generate knowledge about the destination’s data and performance, but also to foster an insight-driven approach through training and knowledge exchange amongst departments within the DMO.

In the second section, we focus on the external knowledge environment of the DMO, which should position itself as the number one authority for the knowledge of the destination’s tourism figures, the go-to organisation for travel and tourism data. The DMO should also exchange insights with and train the tourism industry. We will provide tips about industry development.

The third and final section focuses on destination insight, which means how and through which tools the DMO can research and use information about the destination’s performance, image and reputation as well as make use of business intelligence, dashboards and licensed data for the creation of tourism marketing strategies.

This will include:

  • An exploration of the most common methods to share knowledge, performance and goals within the DMO.
  • 5 different models for knowledge management.
  • An explanation of the meaning of organisational learning and how to foster a culture of knowledge exchange.
  • Industry development programmes and other methods for knowledge sharing within the industry.
  • Centres of Excellence and clusters of expertise
  • Methods and tools for destination insight with multiple examples from worldwide DMOs
  • Business intelligence and dashboards to gather and share data
  • A series of templates to run sprints and workshops in your organisation

A list of Case Studies and Talks to watch.

  • Singapore Tourism: A 360 Perspective, Marketing Deep-Dive
  • Fjord Norway: Data-driven Partner Marketing and Business Intelligence, Data & Destination Marketing
  • Geneva: Global Inbound Marketing for City Tourism
  • Visit Sørlandet’s Digital Strategy
  • Destinations Panel on Big Data
  • Discover Puerto Rico: Welcoming Visitors Back To the Island with a Brand New DMO
  • Dubai: Attracting and Engaging with An Up-and-Coming Market

Knowledge & Insight - Sprint

For each chapter of the Transformation Series, we created a Sprint, a template that should help you to analyse your current situation and understanding the opportunities for improvement. In the Knowledge & Insight Sprint, you will work on the internal knowledge exchange and insight of your organisation.

First, identify for each department of your organisation the skills team members possess and which other skills they would like to acquire, if possible from other departments. Then you are going to identify which methods and processes you currently use for exchanging knowledge within your team and write the methods you would like to start using to improve knowledge exchange. You can also identify knowledge champions, as we described them in the report, namely a sort of guru in a specific topic and the go-to person for any issue related to that area of work.

In the second section, you are going to investigate opportunities for collaboration across departments. Find which opportunities there are to improve collaboration across departments through the exchange of knowledge using the Venn diagram.

At the end of the work, you will have a clear picture about where knowledge lies, which skills are present in each department and how these skills can circulate in order to share knowledge among the team members.

Get started with the sprint 🏃🏾‍♀️

A sprint is a great way to rally all your teammates around a big idea or produce great results by concentrating the team on a specific need over a short period.

  1. Print the attached worksheet in large format (A1 is best!)
  2. Find a great communal space, such as the canteen, to stick it up (double-sided tape!)
  3. Invite team members to scribble their thoughts and ideas on the wall
  4. Organise a stand-up session, where several members can express their thoughts
  5. Take a snap, keep it posted or even better 'scan the wall' and digitise into Mural

You'll be pleased with the results when you get everyone thinking collectively.

Fostering insights within the DMO

Fostering insights within the DMO: Singapore 360-Perspective: The Academy

Fostering insights within the DMO: Geneva Insights

Fostering Insights Within the DMO: Aligning departments and creating Centres of Excellence

As we mention later, a Centre of Excellence (CoE) is described as the department of an organisation that performs knowledge and best practice research in addition to its original function. The CoE is represented by a functional or cross-functional team with the specific goal of analysing the internal and external environment of the company to capture knowledge and best practices and spread them across the organisation to improve its expertise. This team of people can be set as a physical or virtual one and it should represent the knowledge base of an organisation or of an individual department. There can be different CoEs in a single company, depending on the need for expertise updates for every single department.

The aim of a Centre of Excellence is to use knowledge management to better understand how to set a competitive advantage for the organisation by consolidating expertise. The CoE has a further role in developing methods and techniques to establish best practice and disseminate it to other teams.

With this template, we are going to guide you in the process of identification of one or more Centres of Excellence within your organisation. The first task is to define the values and goals of each individual department. Then take a look at which values and goals are in common among departments and think about which opportunities there are to collaborate between departments.

In the central part of the template, use the coloured sticky notes to identify each department’s needs and then place the stickies inside the Venn diagram. Use the spaces in common among departments to understand if each department’s internal need is shared by other departments. This should be the starting point to create your Centres of Excellence.

Finally, on the right side of the template, you can work on the creation of your Centres of Excellence. Write on each department’s box the names of the team members, then use arrows to assign them to a specific Centre of Excellence, which is going to manage the knowledge of a particular area relevant to your DMO.

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry: Fjord Norway

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry: Visit Sorlandet / USUS

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry: Stakeholder Engagement

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry: Dubai Talk

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry: Sharing Knowledge with Stakeholders

The second template of the pack investigates the external knowledge exchange and insight into your organisation, with your stakeholders. Here, you will analyse if there are opportunities for knowledge exchange between the DMO and the external partners and stakeholders, or maybe the whole industry, through collective sessions such as training workshops and conferences.

The first part of the template focuses on the identification of the key stakeholders of the DMO and their skills or strengths. It also helps you to identify what kind of knowledge can be exchanged between them and you. Use the lower box to think about the goals you have in common with your stakeholders and how you can meet your common goals through the exchange of knowledge.

In the middle part of the template, use the two circles to identify opportunities for exchanging insight and opportunities for collaboration with your stakeholders. Use sticky notes as you might realise later on that some of the ideas you put down can be placed at the centre of the diagram, meaning that collaboration might arise from the exchange of insight and knowledge.

In the right part of the template, you are going to identify the strategies and methods you are currently using or you would like to use to exchange knowledge with your stakeholders. Finally, use the table to map out goals for the knowledge exchange and collaboration with your stakeholders and how do you intend to reach the goal through specific strategies.

Destination Insight

Destination Insight: Puerto Rico

Destination Insight: Smart data Visit Benidorm

Destination Insight: Geneva

Destination Insight: Licensing Data

Destination Insight: Turning Insights into Action

Analytics is a critical aspect of your work as a destination to be able to measure which of your activities are contributing to your overall growth in visitors to the destinations, web traffic or social media engagement and conversions. Naturally, this is something you or your team are monitoring regularly identifying things that need to be improved or changed. Here at DTTT, we are great believers in the power of data and analytics, encouraging teams to interpret analytics a bit broader, looking not just at numbers but also analysing activities based on a more qualitative analytics approach.

To make sure your team is not losing sight of the short term gains, we have developed a template to help note down and identify actions that can help to make quick changes and should be prioritised.
The idea behind sharing insights regularly is to make sure you are always focused on improving and evolving things relating to your website or overall content. Use the top half of the template as space to regularly add sticky notes to not lose sight of what you need to change or work on.

In addition to that, we also think it is important to keep learnings or feedback on top of mind, hence we have dedicated the second half of the template to give room for a 'DMO Rule Book'. The idea behind this is to share knowledge, feedback and learnings internally in a fun and efficient way. Once the template is printed, it can serve as an interesting knowledge board, enabling team members to share what has helped them to deliver 'Wow Results, what are key engagement drivers on social media and which content nuggets are standing out. This is a great way for team members to internalise these learnings and apply them to all future activities to make sure the same mistakes are never made twice.

How do DMOs create and exchange knowledge inside the organisation, amongst team members and departments, as well as externally in the destination, with key stakeholders and partners? This is the main question we are going to answer in this chapter through the exploration of three sections.

How do DMOs create and exchange knowledge inside the organisation, amongst team members and departments, as well as externally in the destination, with key stakeholders and partners? This is the main question we are going to answer in this chapter through the exploration of three sections.

In the first section, we focus on the internal knowledge environment of the organisation, the starting point to generate knowledge about the destination’s data and performance, but also to foster an insight-driven approach through training and knowledge exchange amongst departments within the DMO.

In the second section, we focus on the external knowledge environment of the DMO, which should position itself as the number one authority for the knowledge of the destination’s tourism figures, the go-to organisation for travel and tourism data. The DMO should also exchange insights with and train the tourism industry. We will provide tips about industry development.

The third and final section focuses on destination insight, which means how and through which tools the DMO can research and use information about the destination’s performance, image and reputation as well as make use of business intelligence, dashboards and licensed data for the creation of tourism marketing strategies.

This will include:

  • An exploration of the most common methods to share knowledge, performance and goals within the DMO.
  • 5 different models for knowledge management.
  • An explanation of the meaning of organisational learning and how to foster a culture of knowledge exchange.
  • Industry development programmes and other methods for knowledge sharing within the industry.
  • Centres of Excellence and clusters of expertise
  • Methods and tools for destination insight with multiple examples from worldwide DMOs
  • Business intelligence and dashboards to gather and share data
  • A series of templates to run sprints and workshops in your organisation

A list of Case Studies and Talks to watch.

  • Singapore Tourism: A 360 Perspective, Marketing Deep-Dive
  • Fjord Norway: Data-driven Partner Marketing and Business Intelligence, Data & Destination Marketing
  • Geneva: Global Inbound Marketing for City Tourism
  • Visit Sørlandet’s Digital Strategy
  • Destinations Panel on Big Data
  • Discover Puerto Rico: Welcoming Visitors Back To the Island with a Brand New DMO
  • Dubai: Attracting and Engaging with An Up-and-Coming Market

Knowledge & Insight - Sprint

For each chapter of the Transformation Series, we created a Sprint, a template that should help you to analyse your current situation and understanding the opportunities for improvement. In the Knowledge & Insight Sprint, you will work on the internal knowledge exchange and insight of your organisation.

First, identify for each department of your organisation the skills team members possess and which other skills they would like to acquire, if possible from other departments. Then you are going to identify which methods and processes you currently use for exchanging knowledge within your team and write the methods you would like to start using to improve knowledge exchange. You can also identify knowledge champions, as we described them in the report, namely a sort of guru in a specific topic and the go-to person for any issue related to that area of work.

In the second section, you are going to investigate opportunities for collaboration across departments. Find which opportunities there are to improve collaboration across departments through the exchange of knowledge using the Venn diagram.

At the end of the work, you will have a clear picture about where knowledge lies, which skills are present in each department and how these skills can circulate in order to share knowledge among the team members.

Get started with the sprint 🏃🏾‍♀️

A sprint is a great way to rally all your teammates around a big idea or produce great results by concentrating the team on a specific need over a short period.

  1. Print the attached worksheet in large format (A1 is best!)
  2. Find a great communal space, such as the canteen, to stick it up (double-sided tape!)
  3. Invite team members to scribble their thoughts and ideas on the wall
  4. Organise a stand-up session, where several members can express their thoughts
  5. Take a snap, keep it posted or even better 'scan the wall' and digitise into Mural

You'll be pleased with the results when you get everyone thinking collectively.

Fostering insights within the DMO

Fostering insights within the DMO: Singapore 360-Perspective: The Academy

Fostering insights within the DMO: Geneva Insights

Fostering Insights Within the DMO: Aligning departments and creating Centres of Excellence

As we mention later, a Centre of Excellence (CoE) is described as the department of an organisation that performs knowledge and best practice research in addition to its original function. The CoE is represented by a functional or cross-functional team with the specific goal of analysing the internal and external environment of the company to capture knowledge and best practices and spread them across the organisation to improve its expertise. This team of people can be set as a physical or virtual one and it should represent the knowledge base of an organisation or of an individual department. There can be different CoEs in a single company, depending on the need for expertise updates for every single department.

The aim of a Centre of Excellence is to use knowledge management to better understand how to set a competitive advantage for the organisation by consolidating expertise. The CoE has a further role in developing methods and techniques to establish best practice and disseminate it to other teams.

With this template, we are going to guide you in the process of identification of one or more Centres of Excellence within your organisation. The first task is to define the values and goals of each individual department. Then take a look at which values and goals are in common among departments and think about which opportunities there are to collaborate between departments.

In the central part of the template, use the coloured sticky notes to identify each department’s needs and then place the stickies inside the Venn diagram. Use the spaces in common among departments to understand if each department’s internal need is shared by other departments. This should be the starting point to create your Centres of Excellence.

Finally, on the right side of the template, you can work on the creation of your Centres of Excellence. Write on each department’s box the names of the team members, then use arrows to assign them to a specific Centre of Excellence, which is going to manage the knowledge of a particular area relevant to your DMO.

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry: Fjord Norway

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry: Visit Sorlandet / USUS

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry: Stakeholder Engagement

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry: Dubai Talk

Sharing Knowledge with the Industry: Sharing Knowledge with Stakeholders

The second template of the pack investigates the external knowledge exchange and insight into your organisation, with your stakeholders. Here, you will analyse if there are opportunities for knowledge exchange between the DMO and the external partners and stakeholders, or maybe the whole industry, through collective sessions such as training workshops and conferences.

The first part of the template focuses on the identification of the key stakeholders of the DMO and their skills or strengths. It also helps you to identify what kind of knowledge can be exchanged between them and you. Use the lower box to think about the goals you have in common with your stakeholders and how you can meet your common goals through the exchange of knowledge.

In the middle part of the template, use the two circles to identify opportunities for exchanging insight and opportunities for collaboration with your stakeholders. Use sticky notes as you might realise later on that some of the ideas you put down can be placed at the centre of the diagram, meaning that collaboration might arise from the exchange of insight and knowledge.

In the right part of the template, you are going to identify the strategies and methods you are currently using or you would like to use to exchange knowledge with your stakeholders. Finally, use the table to map out goals for the knowledge exchange and collaboration with your stakeholders and how do you intend to reach the goal through specific strategies.

Destination Insight

Destination Insight: Puerto Rico

Destination Insight: Smart data Visit Benidorm

Destination Insight: Geneva

Destination Insight: Licensing Data

Destination Insight: Turning Insights into Action

Analytics is a critical aspect of your work as a destination to be able to measure which of your activities are contributing to your overall growth in visitors to the destinations, web traffic or social media engagement and conversions. Naturally, this is something you or your team are monitoring regularly identifying things that need to be improved or changed. Here at DTTT, we are great believers in the power of data and analytics, encouraging teams to interpret analytics a bit broader, looking not just at numbers but also analysing activities based on a more qualitative analytics approach.

To make sure your team is not losing sight of the short term gains, we have developed a template to help note down and identify actions that can help to make quick changes and should be prioritised.
The idea behind sharing insights regularly is to make sure you are always focused on improving and evolving things relating to your website or overall content. Use the top half of the template as space to regularly add sticky notes to not lose sight of what you need to change or work on.

In addition to that, we also think it is important to keep learnings or feedback on top of mind, hence we have dedicated the second half of the template to give room for a 'DMO Rule Book'. The idea behind this is to share knowledge, feedback and learnings internally in a fun and efficient way. Once the template is printed, it can serve as an interesting knowledge board, enabling team members to share what has helped them to deliver 'Wow Results, what are key engagement drivers on social media and which content nuggets are standing out. This is a great way for team members to internalise these learnings and apply them to all future activities to make sure the same mistakes are never made twice.